Top tips

A little while ago My mummy can cook was given the opportunity by the lovely Emmys Mummy to pose a question to the very talented restaurateur and author, Mark Baumann. A British Master Chef, Mark has starred in his own ITV series Baumann Goes to Market and is a guest presenter of UKTV Food’s flagship programme Great Food Live.

My question obviously needed to help all you yummy mummy and daddy’s out there so I asked him to suggest a quick and easy recipe that would be suitable for toddlers to eat with their parents. Here is Mark’s response:

A quick and easy recipe for toddlers and parents… depending on the definition of quick: how about a cottage or shepherds pie which can be prepared in two stages – the meat can be cooked slowly in a slow cooker whilst mum or dad are out at work. Slow cookers are wonderful for big flavours. Mum can add a drop or two of red wine for hers when cooked and leave it out for the toddlers!

In my house I made lots of shepherds pies filled with the kids favourite – baked beans! Also meant that I could get some peas and mushrooms into them without them knowing. I think that macaroni cheese with spinach is a sensational dish for parents and toddlers and wonderfully nutritious. try using a stringy melting cheese like gouda or emmental for an added twist. I also used to make loads of fish cakes that we would eat together – especially salmon which is now so cheap – particularly if you use the end pieces. Tastes really good with tomato ketchup!

Thanks Mark, some top tips there that we’ll definitely be giving a go 🙂

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